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The Workflow Automation Platform

From raw data to actionable insights. Witness the datatamorphosis in real time.

Already transforming with

GorgiasBurrito App
Transform event data

Easy point and click to get powerful data computations

Enrich your data

Connect your data providers or fetch data from your CRM to get additional properties.

Connect your tools

Send the data back to your warehouse, CRM or any webhook endpoint.

Empower your operations and marketing teams

DataMorf is the all-in-one event data processing solution that enables users to transform their data before it reaches its destination. With just a few clicks, you can apply complex rules to your data and enrich it on the fly, all while ensuring data accuracy and integrity.

  • Create enrichment engines and marketing email pre-enrolment validations.
  • Generate ultra-personalised content with the power of AI and your data.
  • Segment incoming customer feedback to swiftly categorize sentiments and update your CRM accordingly.

Endless possibilities await!

Ready to get started?

Open Beta

Join our Beta and get a free consultancy and extended features on the free plan - sign up now and start exploring!

Transform your data

Our platform allows you to apply complex rules to your data, giving you complete control over how your data is processed and delivered.

Enrich data on the fly

DataMorf is connected to a range of data providers, so you can enrich your data in real-time without any extra work.

Seamless integration

Our platform integrates with a range of tools and platforms, including CRMs, marketing automation platforms, and more.

Have any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

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